Come join FM Opera, in partnership with our neighbor Nichole’s Fine Pastry, for a delightful late-afternoon wine and pastry event. It will take place on Saturday, March 16th, between 5-7pm, and allow FM Symphony patrons an opportunity to enjoy a musical happy hour and still make it to the concert. Nichole will be preparing a very special “operatic” selection of delights and FM Opera will be featuring the Gate City Young Artists as they pair song selections with the wines “on tap.” It will be a delightful spin on our popular Brew Pub Night and we invite you to join. Many of you support all three ventures—the opera, the symphony, and Nichole’s—so it should please anybody who loves fine music and fine pastries!!

DATE: Saturday, March 16, 2024
TIME: 5:00-7:00PM
LOCATION: Nichole’s Fine Pastry & Cafe
TICKETS: $50/person